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Idaho Society of Mayflower Descendants

Society Contacts
The officers of the Idaho State Society shall be a Governor, Assistant Governor, Deputy Governor, Captain, Elder, Secretary, Treasurer, Historian, Surgeon, and Counselor.
Idaho Governor:
Cory Leigh Stimpson
Presides over all meeting and performs the usual duties pertaining to this office
Idaho Assistant Governor:
Deborah Lucille Lasher-Hardy
When the Governor is not available. Presides over all meeting and performs the usual duties pertaining to this office
Idaho Honorary Governor:
Ida Lucille Hardy
Idaho Secretary:
Diane M Emmel
The Secretary shall give due notice of all meetings of the Society and the Board and keep an accurate record of the proceedings of such meetings. The Secretary shall keep records of historical celebrations of the Society and shall notify new members of their election and keep a roll of the members and have charge of the Seal and all documents belonging to the Society and shall perform such other duties as the Society or this office may require including preparing minutes of the meetings of the members and of the Assistants, and authenticating records of the Society.
Idaho Treasurer:
Cherie Lucille Lasher
The Treasurer shall collect all application fees and dues, shall attend to all disbursements, and shall have charge of all funds of the Society, under the direction of the Board of Assistants. The Treasurer shall keep the accounts of the Society and shall report at each meeting of the Board, the balance of any moneys on hand and the outstanding obligations of the Society as far as practicable and shall at the Annual Meeting report in full the receipts and disbursements of the previous year. The Treasurer’s book of accounts shall always be open to the inspection of any member of the Board of Assistants or of the Finance Committee. These accounts shall be audited annually, or more often, as the Board may direct. The financial year of the Society shall end the last day of each year; the Treasurer’s report to cover the period of January 1 to December 31
Idaho Historian:
David H Murphy
The Historian shall have full responsibility for determining the eligibility of applicants and the preparation of lineage papers, which, when properly executed and approved by the Historian, shall be submitted to the Historian General for review and approval. The Historian shall have custody of the lineage records of the Society.
Idaho Elder:
Ruth L Warr
The Elder shall have charge of all memorial services and shall open each meeting of the Society with prayer.
Idaho Captain:
Jonah Michael Rae
The Captain shall act as Marshall on all occasions of ceremony.
Idaho Surgeon:
James Haven Stewart
The Surgeon shall have been duly admitted to the practice of medicine and shall perform such duties as the office may require.
Idaho Councelor:
The Counselor shall be an Attorney at Law and shall render legal aid and opinions upon matters pertaining to the Society when requested to do so by the Governor or by the Board of Assistants.
Scholarship Chair
Presides over the scholarship committee is not part of board of directors
Web Master:
Raymond Lloyd Trussell
Manager of the website is not part of the board of directors
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